Monday, October 31, 2022

On Unicorns and Autumn Habits 🍂🦄🍂


After making my Jaunty Autumn Hat, I wasn't sure what to call this ensemble. It looks like a pseudo Victorian Halloween riding habit but the equine mood is more broadly autumn. Ready for my side saddle in September and November, too! Habit, of course has frock and obsessive meanings, and I got a Fall habit bad, wouldn't you say? Thus, I set off with my Goth Parasol and the Pumpkin Car to go Trick or Treating with the family unicorn.

My niece said I looked like I took the bus from Halloween Town and my sister called me a spooky Mary Poppins thanks to my bag of tricks, and after seeing a lot of people not dressed up, I wondered if the cat on a jack-o-lantern brooch or the leaves and acorn earrings were a bit twee? I started out wearing a ruffled thrift blouse underneath my thrift blazer, but it got a bit hot under the dollar store bat scarf and the petticoat under my orange skirt was kind of heavy. I hate when a sliver of petticoat shows! Ironically, I have footage of how I made the orange skirt and the petticoat made out of Grammy's Curtains will be in service again for my current December project. I used the same methods from my Reversible Red Skirt, but that is one of my least popular videos so I never finished the videos for all the other skirts I made this summer – yet.

The Upgraded Masquerade Mask made for some peek-a-boo but it wasn't an indoor crowd so ended up not wearing my Halloween T-Shirt Mask. Updated booster, baby! The netted gloves were from a party supply store ages ago, and I have a dollar store fan for every season, but the boots are relatively recent Goodwill replacements for my previous ~Victorian kicks that earned a lot of wear and tear. And yeah, I added a sunflower and bells to my front button #dealwithit.

How old is too old to go Trick or Treating?

Visit our Facebook and Instagram for more photos or see all our Kbatz Krafts Halloween Makes on YouTube!

Photos by Jahli Creations and Hit the Stars Learning with Horses. Order holiday soaps at Jahli Creations ASAP!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Impromptu but Jaunty Autumn Hat! 🍂


I didn't intend to make a video for this jaunty thrift find hat with dollar store accents and fall leaves. However this family friendly millinery was too cute not to share in full! 👒🎃🤣

Thanks to some more is more hot gluing, I now have a family friendly topper that carries me thru Thanksgiving. It took one day to make and I don't even think it cost $8! This is what I get for making a video from which I intended to make in progress snapshots. I hope this inspires you to go for your own autumn whimsy, and Thank You for Watching!

For more project photos, follow Kbatz Krafts on Instagram and Facebook or visit our Kbatz Krafts Archive!

More Kbatz Krafts:

Halloween Shoe Wreath

Victorian Bonnet and Cape

Upcycled Fall Florals

DIY Cardboard Coffin Repairs 

Mini Pumpkin Garland

Halloween Mystery Costume

Monday, October 24, 2022

Sewing on a Budget for Search Magazine


Kristin Battestella aka Kbatz sits down for a little sewing chat about how you don't have to break the bank in order to start your creative sewing journey! You can also see I put my money where my mouth is as I share a somewhat ugly tour of my basement sewing studio.

You can read my complete Sewing on a Budget Tips in the Homemade Fall Issue of Search Magazine. It's Free! Or for sewing in progress photos and project albums, follow Kbatz Krafts on Instagram or Facebook 🧵🙋‍♀️💪

More Kbatz Krafts:

Antiquing on a Budget for Search Magazine

Thrifting at Grammy's House

Decorating Like Dark Shadows

Drab to Glam Lampshades

Cardboard Tombstones

Sewing Supply Thrift Haul

Halloween Mystery Sewing

Sewing and Thrift Hauls Playlist

Peruse much more at our Kbatz Krafts Archive and thank you for watching! 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Keeping a Mini Pumpkin Garland for Myself!


A mini pumpkin garland project had been on my Kbatz Krafts To Do List for a while, and I didn't expect to get to it this autumn. However this easy to do almost free DIY came together in a weekend!

Unlike my previous How to Make Stuffed Pumpkins Video and much larger Pumpkin Ottomans crafts, these minis came together thanks to orange and white material from my scrap bin. It was easy to sew and gather these small sizes closed, stuffing them with more scraps and remnants and just going with the gnarly little shapes! The variety in textures between the orange and white fabrics also made for a similar but different cohesive look as I laid out the mini pumpkins and hot glued them to a dollar store rope. There is a pattern but it isn't matchy matchy. I put some fake leaves to good use – because I have so, so many fake leaves as seen in my Thrift Haul Videos – choosing a mix of yellow, gold, and orange to keep the autumn scheme. 99 cent thrift find cinnamon sticks topped off each little pumpkin, broken in half to bring their scent to scale.

I thought about adding red leaves between the pumpkins or greenery vines and orange lights, however sometimes less is more. This rustic fall rope allows the pumpkins to take center stage, and $1.25 mini pumpkin spice brooms left over from my recent Shoe Wreath finished off the raw ends. The brooms have small hanging loops too, but I had to find a place for my garland where the cats wouldn't get it! While in my scrap bin, I also found bigger remnants to make a few more stuffed pumpkins for my patch, and eventually I hung my mini pumpkin garland high across our front window. Previously, I made my mother a basket of stuffed apples in a similar manner with red fabric, green leaves, and cinnamon stick stems. You could go completely natural with pine cones from the back yard or shake up some potpourri pieces on a line. For under $7 with found materials on hand, this mini pumpkin garland can hang around through Thanksgiving! I had intended to make it for my mother, but now I'm keeping it for myself!

You can see more project photos on the Kbatz Krafts Instagram and Facebook!

Mom's Apples 🤣

Friday, October 7, 2022

It's a Halloween Shoe Wreath! 👠

Rather than throwing away a beloved, well worn pair of witchy oxfords, Kristin Battestella aka Kbatz uses those gothic kicks for a whimsical wreath! An unusual wreath frame, bat ribbons, scented broom accents, and fun catchphrases top off this trash to treasure one day make anyone can do! If the shoe fits, that is...

And the Cost? Under $20!

Thank You For Watching! 

For more project photos, follow Kbatz Krafts on Facebook and Instagram or browse our complete Kbatz Krafts archive for more DIY Halloween crafts and inspiration!

More Wreath Mayhem: